Meet the Artist: Leika Ikuma

Leika Ikuma of Kumakun Studio is a talented artist currently earning her BFA in Illustration at CSUF. With a passion for bringing joy and happiness through her work, Leika often draws inspiration from her experiences in Japan and her family. Her love of food shines through her art, creating delightful and nostalgic pieces that resonate with many.
Inspiration Behind the Artwork
I love food and I love drawing food, so I thought it was only right to do something inspired by one of my favorite meals. There is something about bentos that make me so happy, it has to be the variety of flavors in each side dish. It also reminds me of when my mom would make some for picnics or lunch, as well as times I had gotten them for a train ride in Japan. Just very fond memories.
Shop the limited edition cloth here.
On Her Cultural Heritage
Being Japanese American, it took a while for me to really accept that side of my heritage. I think my work communicates a sense of taking back what I hadn’t appreciated when I was younger.

Sources of Inspiration
A lot of my work is inspired by my Japanese heritage and things that make me happy. This includes places and seasons I’ve experienced as well as some of my favorite snacks. I would say not only the food, but the joy of seeing little characters and cute illustrations in Japan has also inspired me to create in that fashion.
Choosing Her Charity Partner: Middle East Children's Alliance
It wasn’t a very difficult decision, especially with everything that is going on in Palestine right now. I wanted to illustrate something I loved while also relating it to that cause, I love food and everyone deserves and has the right to nourishing food and clean water.
On Leika's Personal Style
My personal style is sort of mixed, I can’t really pin point it but I would say somewhere on the girly side with hints of casual chic depending on the occasion. I absolutely love the Crux Napa sunglasses, they go perfectly with all the different styles I like wearing.
The Perfect Bento Box and Local Favorites
My perfect bento box has a little bit of everything; rice, protein and pickles are a must! There are quite a few bento places I have been wanting to try, but for me, all meals end in a sweet treat. I highly recommend Nagomi Cake House in Gardena or Mitsuru Cafe in Little Tokyo!
Watch the interview here